Friday 29 January 2010

This week...

This week we had our first chance at taking the cameras out around sixth form, giving us plenty of space to run around and practice shots. During which we were given a hand out sheet showing us each shot that would be expected to appear within our first few practice openings.

We did establishing shots, tracking shots and mid shots of people talking. We added credits to which included mine and charlottes names as the director and included Michaels name as we used him as an extra for our practice. He will also be appearing in our short film.

We cut out most of the shots taken as they didnt fit in any way with the rest of the production and found it difficult to make the material fit. In conclusion to this I decided that it would be easier to shoot each scene we do 3 times and take bits of each take out and see which fits better allowing us more variety in the shots we have.

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