Friday 29 January 2010

possible settings and locations

We have been looking at not only the shots that need to be used but also the setting and location to add to the mise-en-scene of our opening. We had considered using shots from the woods, countryside, local town, cities, graveyards, farms and our houses.

We decided that since we have not shot any of our final work that we would take pictures using my digital camera and decide between us which location fits best with our parts of our filming.

Local town of Burnley:
Using the idea of filming within the centre is one of the easier options because it is accessable to us at all times. However with the centre being quite crowded its not that suitable to shoot as people can and will often walk infront of your shots.

The woods:
The woods again is an easy option as it is assessable to us easily and won't have the problem of being over crowded or populated. However in dense woods the lighting may not work to our advantage and carrying equipment through the woods carrys the risk of breaking it.

Our Own Houses:
Permission from parents and family members of course, using our own houses doesn't limit is with risks of breaking equipment or having people walking in on shots, however it does limit the amount we can do as their is only so much that can happen within a house for an opening without giving the whole story away.

The countryside and farms:
The countryside is less assessable as we would need transport up there on more than one occasion to film more than once, and to film on farms we would need permission from the owners land, all these factors we will be thinking about when we decide on our final location for shooting.


Graveyards work very well for the horror genre films however it will be hard to work around graves without being disrespectful and trying not to make it look too cheesy.


Nearby cities are blackburn, preston and manchester, all of which are not as assessable to us apart from on weekends which restricts how much we can film. If we decided to film in a city the filming would have to be done in one or two days which doesnt give us much flexibility.

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