Friday 22 January 2010

First Thoughts.

Our first thoughts on this project were to do a crime film; However, as we are only going to make the first 2 minutes of a new film being released we realised we wouldn’t be able to show much (as this would give away one of the main scenes of the film). Also we found from watching previous students work that a crime film can turn out looking cheep or unrealistic. Another problem we found with this idea was that we couldn’t use any objects like a knife or gun etc. We also couldn’t show any scenes that people my find taboo. With this in mind it would be hard to create a crime scene for our beginning, (as the beginning has to hook the watcher).

Another idea we thought about doing would be a comedy. This at first seamed like a good plan as we wouldn’t need a large budget or fancy scenery we could set it were we pleased. However, when it came to planning it properly we realised that our humour might not be the same as others. From watching comedy films with fellow students, family and friends; we began to see that peoples humour is different and it would be hard to write something that everyone would find comical.

In the end we decided upon our third idea, a super hero film. We decided that with the right shots, editing and actors we could make our film beginning look realistic. We also realised that if we created the right lighting, sound and camera angles we wouldn’t need a large budget, but could make it appear as though we had one. Another positive part of this idea was that as its only the first two minutes we wouldn’t have to show many effects so even though the idea would sound complicated, for us it isn’t.

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