Tuesday 26 January 2010

Editing Ideas


Opening credits- dark background with white ‘type-writer’ writing to introduce actors, director, producer and Frock and Frolics Productions inc, Design Picture Studios.

First shot- Close up of mobile that will have a phone call incoming on it with “Head quarters” as the caller ID. Over voice of the instructions to the superheroes about a crime happening, this will include the police also.
“Good morning. This morning at 7 hundred hours 30, Detector Louise Whittaker informed me that there was a break in at the royal armoury centre in London. The body of Doctor Colin Phillips was discovered at the scene and there is evidence that the culprit has also taken several things of high value. Find the culprit and return the missing items. You have 24 hours until this case is dead. Don’t let me down.”
Police and heroes shot- Low angle shots on the police investigators to show they are in power and that they control the investigation, high angle shots on the heroes to show that they are not as dominant as the police because they do not have as much information as the police. The shots will flick back and forth to show the information being delivered from the police to the heroes. (This gives the audience an idea of what is happening)

Final shots- Point of view shot through camera to show stills of the crime scene, the opening scene will end on the stills. Four crucial pictures at the end to finish the piece.

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