Thursday 25 March 2010


The idea for our opening has been changed from a superhero opening to a psychological thriller. The reason for our idea changing came because we felt it would be too difficult to have a superhero opening that had things of importance happening without it turning into a 2 minute complete film.

We started our filming on the local park and filmed the enviroment around it whilst being laid on a roundabout with it spinning. The effect we got gave a creepy feel to our opening and along side with the music the opening to our film works. The speech to our film was then recorded cut and edited to make it fit our limit. We than got sarah to sit infront of the camera for 3 minutes to assure we had plenty of footage we could use. The speech was then added to the shots of sarah and cut to make the music fade into it.

The flash backs will be put in the middle of the two sets of speech to break up the sequence of Sarah. The flash backs will be of her dad in the hallway of her room, a flash back of her mums grave and a flashback of a hand on her shoulder.

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