Tuesday 2 February 2010


Our ideas have changed and developed after looking at different films and directors, as well as watching previous attempts by media students working with different genres. After watching all these we decided that we were making things harder for ourselves so we have re-grouped our ideas and tried to make it simpler, without taking away any quality.

So the main shots we're going to use is...

* Establishing shots
* Mid close ups
* Panning shots

Using Girl Interrupted as inspiration we decided to use simple shots to show a simple storyline.


Young girl who has been abused starts off the opening with a close up of her face with a voice over saying her thoughts. Shots then shoot back to shots of her family and her father to suggest that her father holds significance to the story without giving away what role he plays in this. The voice over will be very dull and plain, won't give much insight to the audience and will confuse the audience so that it appears that she may have some sort of mental illness. Her facial expression will be completely blank, and nothing about her seems very interesting.

Shoots in the middles of the sequence will be quick, 5-10 seconds long at the most showing a simple but significant picture, before the camera reverts back to her where she saying a simple one line to express her feelings and intentions...

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