Tuesday 4 May 2010

Audience feedback

Our final cut of our piece were shown to an audience of 12 people and whilst the opening was playing each person was asked to give an estimated mark. the mark were set between 1-4, 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest. There were seven different aspects of the mark schemes set. The total marks for each were 46.

These catagories were:

Camerawork- 37/46

Editing- 38/46

Sound- 35/46

Mise-en-scene- 33/46

Narrative- 37/46

Suitable for genre- 40/46

Entertainment- 36/46

So overall our grade from our peers would have been a bottom grade A. Although our film was very low budget our film would have been disturbuted through low budget English disturbutors Celador. The certificate for our film has been rated a 15 because the content within it isn't explicit enough for an 18 but it is suitable for children under the age 15.

Friday 26 March 2010

Film inspiration.

In order to get some creative ideas for our short film we got inspiration from other big films and blockbusters. The films that gave us the most inspiration were.....
- Silence of the lambs
- American Psycho
- The shining
- Cape Fear
- The good son
- Seven

- Girl Interrupted
These gave us the most as they were based around the same idea as ours. By seeing how other people presented phsycho's in their films we could get an idea of how we wanted our to appear.

Thursday 25 March 2010


The idea for our opening has been changed from a superhero opening to a psychological thriller. The reason for our idea changing came because we felt it would be too difficult to have a superhero opening that had things of importance happening without it turning into a 2 minute complete film.

We started our filming on the local park and filmed the enviroment around it whilst being laid on a roundabout with it spinning. The effect we got gave a creepy feel to our opening and along side with the music the opening to our film works. The speech to our film was then recorded cut and edited to make it fit our limit. We than got sarah to sit infront of the camera for 3 minutes to assure we had plenty of footage we could use. The speech was then added to the shots of sarah and cut to make the music fade into it.

The flash backs will be put in the middle of the two sets of speech to break up the sequence of Sarah. The flash backs will be of her dad in the hallway of her room, a flash back of her mums grave and a flashback of a hand on her shoulder.

Final editing and final shots

The final shots for the filming will be filmed on the 25th March 2010.

The final shots will be the flash backs that occur in the middle of our sequence to break up the shots of Sarah. The final shots will be mainly of the father in out story to portray a clearer picture of past events to build on future events.

The evaluation will be written and the spoken by charlotte and myself and then put on to our film. since we had already kept our blog upto date on our progress we decided that making another website wouldn't be as effective as the voice over.

Friday 5 March 2010

Voice Over Recording

The voice over recording has now been done instead of recording it on a microphone we used the digital camera but kept the lense shut so there was no picture being captured, the audio was then extracted and added to the visual of sarah that was filmed at close range with a black background put up behind her. Using basic shots of sarah looking straight at the camera we portrayed the idea of her being disturbed or needing help. The use of flashbacks will show past experiences and to distinguish the character of her father.

The speech we wrote for the character gives a basic overview of the story line, the audience will be on the side of the main character but the ending speech twists the thoughts of the audience as the main character reveals that something is going to happen between her father and herself, this creates a cliffhanger type of ending which is perfect for the film beginning as we arent giving to much away information but still keeping our audience engaged.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Filming the speech

The speech is going to be recorded on the video camera but have the lense shut to stop any picture coming through. the audio will then be extracted and put on as a voice over for the opening scene with the main character (played by sarah). The voice over will stop the complications with characters speaking and music. But will also add a sense of mystery to our character.

Friday 26 February 2010

The Opening and Closing Speeches

Girls opening speech: I was normal once, or at least I think I was. When I was younger when my mother was alive everything was fine and everyone was happy. But then my mother died and everything else changed. My grandparents abandoned us, they blamed us for her death. Blamed us...well blamed me. And my father did also. My grandparents approach didn’t affect me as much, not speaking to me was a much better reaction than my fathers. At times it was like he wasn’t there, that everything he was doing to me wasn’t him or that it didn’t register in his mind. Stupid I know. After all this time I’m still making excuses for him. The burns, the scratches, the scars and worst of all, Oh god worst of all...when the lights went off and everything was quiet I’d hear the squeaks of the floorboards and my door opening. He would be stood there in the landing, breathing heavily, staring at me, I could feel his eyes on me. But feeling his eyes on me would be the last of my problems. First his eyes.. then his hands...

Closing speech: I’m 16 years old now, I’m a women. But by law I’m still a child. By law I still have to be here with him, I’ve left school and could hack college, everyday it gets worst...I want this to end..completely...its him or me...