Tuesday 4 May 2010

Audience feedback

Our final cut of our piece were shown to an audience of 12 people and whilst the opening was playing each person was asked to give an estimated mark. the mark were set between 1-4, 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest. There were seven different aspects of the mark schemes set. The total marks for each were 46.

These catagories were:

Camerawork- 37/46

Editing- 38/46

Sound- 35/46

Mise-en-scene- 33/46

Narrative- 37/46

Suitable for genre- 40/46

Entertainment- 36/46

So overall our grade from our peers would have been a bottom grade A. Although our film was very low budget our film would have been disturbuted through low budget English disturbutors Celador. The certificate for our film has been rated a 15 because the content within it isn't explicit enough for an 18 but it is suitable for children under the age 15.